June 23

Dear family and residents of Walker Methodist,

Despite COVID-19, we continue to celebrate and find joy in every day. For Father’s Day this past weekend, communities honored residents with gifts, including Dad’s Root Beer, Pop Rocks candy, and Sugar Daddy’s—I sense a theme.

And as summer kicks off, we are looking forward to being able to host outdoor visits for our residents. We’ve been given guidance by the Department of Health, and our teams are working quickly to set this up in each community. Each community’s leadership team has put together a unique plan for their community.

I thank you for your patience and cooperation in the last several months. Your diligence in following regulations and your voices calling out to the Department of Health for more visitation helped make this a reality.

Status update

There continues to be no residents with active cases of COVID-19 in any of our 20 Walker Methodist communities. I continue to pray this remains the case.

Thank you for your continued support. Together we will overcome.

Scott Riddle,
President and CEO, Walker Methodist